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Uterine Fibroids

Uterine Fibroids Treatment - Fibroid Removal Surgery

AMVI Hospital is most trusted neighbourhood hospital providing high quality and comprehensive medical care personalized to meet your needs. We provide Uterine Fibroid Treatment by the highly experienced specialist by using latest technology.

Our Hospital has been moving forward with the vision to provide competitive, innovative and accessible medical care to its patients. The hospital offers multiple super specialties under one roof and is supported by a team of doctors of international and national repute.

What is Uterine Fibroids?

Uterine Fibroids are abnormal noncancerous growths that develop in or on a women’s uterus. Uterine Fibroids aren’t related to an increased risk of uterine cancer and fibroids never develop into cancer. Fibroids are also known as leiomyoma, myomas, uterine fibroids aren't associated with an increased risk of uterine cancer and almost never develop into cancer.

Fibroids will vary in size, shape, and location. They can show up in your uterus, its wall, or on uterus surface. They will additionally attach to your uterus by a stalk- or stem-like structure.

A woman might have only 1 fibroid or several fibroids varied in size. A fibroid may remain terribly tiny for a long time and suddenly grow rapidly, or it will grow slowly for a number of years.

Types of Fibroids

The type of fibroid a woman develops depends on its location within the uterus.

Uterine Fibroid Treatment

There are mainly 3 different types of uterine fibroids:-

  • Subserosal fibroids:  These are the most common type. They grow on the surface/outside of the uterus.
  • Intramural fibroids:  These grow within the muscular wall of the uterus.
  • Submucosal fibroids:  These fibroids will grow into an open space inside the uterus.

Some fibroids will become pedunculated fibroids, which suggests that the fibroid contains a stalk that attaches to the uterus.

Symptoms of Fibroids

  • Increased menstrual cramping
  • Pain throughout intercourse
  • Menstruation changes
  • Longer, more frequent, or heavy menstrual periods
  • Menstrual pain (cramps)
  • Vaginal bleeding apart from menstruation
  • Anemia (from blood loss)
  • In the abdomen or lower back (often dull, heavy and aching, however it could also be sharp)
  • Difficulty urinating or frequent urination
  • Constipation, rectal pain, or tough intestine movements
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Enlarged female internal reproductive organ and abdomen
  • Miscarriages
  • Infertility

When is Treatment Necessary for Fibroids?

Fibroids that do not cause symptoms, are small, or occur in a female who is nearing menopause often do not require treatment. Certain signs and symptoms may signal the need for treatment:

When is Treatment Necessary for Fibroids
  • Heavy or painful menstrual periods that cause anemia or that disrupt a woman’s normal activities
  • Bleeding between periods
  • Uncertainty whether the growth is a fibroid or another sort of growth like tumor, such as an ovarian tumor
  • Rapid increase in growth of the fibroid
  • Infertility
  • Pelvic pain


The following diagnostic tests will help a doctor detect fibroids and rule out other conditions:

  • Ultrasound scans
  • MRI scans
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Laparoscopy

Treatments for Uterine Fibroids

If fibroids are causing uncomfortable symptoms, however, there are various medical treatments which can help.

A doctor might recommend different treatments depending on the symptoms, the severity of the symptoms, and the location of the fibroids.

Drug treatment for fibroids will include the following:

  • Birth control pills and other types of hormonal birth control methods
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists
  • Progestin–releasing intrauterine device (IUD)

Types of Surgery to Treat Fibroids

  • Myomectomy
  • Hysterectomy

Other Treatment Choices Beside Surgery are as follows:

  • Hysteroscopy
  • Uterine artery embolization (UAE)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging-guided ultrasound surgery



  • I Am Happy With Doctor Friendliness

    I visited AMVI hospital recently for gynecologist Dr shaivalini. Hospital has all the required facillities like lab, ultrasound, pharmacy, Operation theaters and private rooms. It is good to have such hospital with all facilities near by. I booked appointment and visited doctor. Waiting time was less. Treatment was good.

    • Nikitha
  • I Am Happy With Doctor Friendliness

    very happy experience and excellent surgeon Dr. shaivalini .we came here for fertility treatment. we thought of going for ivf. but we conceived naturally. we are thankful to you mam.

    • Shekar Chary
  • I Am Happy With Doctor Friendliness

    Very good hospital, Dr. Shaivalini is very knowledgeable and experienced. She is polite and comforted in getting my wife operated and give us a child. Very good hospital with advanced techniques and facilities.

    • manikanth devarakonda
  • I Am Happy With Doctor Friendliness

    Excellent doctor, good laparoscopic surgeon.she is wonderful person.she did laparoscopic myomectomy to my sister it's almost size of foot ball..the way she performed surgery was sister recovered the same evening and we got discharged...I will suggest doctor to all the women who suffers any gynaec issues..

    • Pasulodi Shanta

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