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Pelvic Reconstruction

Pelvic Reconstruction Surgery - Restoring Pelvic Health

Pelvic Reconstruction is used to treat pelvic floor issues in women. Pelvic floor reconstruction is a bunch of surgical procedures which are used to treat pelvic organ prolapse, It helps to revive the integrity and strength of the pelvic floor that occurs when the muscles of the pelvic floor are weakened or damaged, often due to childbirth. 

Pelvic Reconstruction

These potential problems involve the urinary tract, rectum, vagina, and other related structures. This field of medicine is called urogynecology.

  • There are non-surgical strategies that can be used to strengthen the pelvic floor in some cases. These will include physical exercises and pessaries.
  • Surgery is pursued once symptoms become too intrusive in women's lives, and non-surgical ways haven’t provided relief.

Nonsurgical Treatments

  • Pessary: This device is inserted into the vagina to support the pelvic organs. Targeting specific symptoms is also another option.
  • Kegel exercises
  • Weight loss

Surgical Treatment 

  1. Obliterative Surgery
    Obliterative surgery narrows or closes off the vagina to provide support for prolapsed organs. Sexual intercourse is not possible after this procedure.
  2. Reconstructive Surgery
    Reconstructive surgery reconstructs the pelvic floor with the goal of restoring the organs to their original position. Some sorts of reconstructive surgery are done through an incision within the vagina. Others are done through an incision in the abdomen or with laparoscopy.

There are a range of pelvic reconstruction procedures available. Both robotic and ancient surgeries can be used to treat pelvic floor problems. Robotic or robot-assisted surgeries can be less invasive and more precise than traditional surgeries. It may be utilize in some cases of vaginal prolapse. Surgeries for pelvic organ prolapse can be approached through the vagina, or through the abdomen.

The types of reconstructive surgery include the following: 

  • Fixation or suspension using one’s own tissues (uterosacral ligament suspension and sacrospinous fixation)
  • Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy
  • Sacrocolpopexy and sacrohysteropexy
  • Surgery using vaginally placed mesh

What to expect after surgery

What to expect after surgery

Once the surgery is done, you can expect some discharge and spotting from the vagina for about 6 weeks. Bleeding reduces over time. In case bleeding increases, you need to call your doctor immediately. Stitches that are dissolving, are represented by yellowish-white and watery vaginal discharge.



  • I Am Happy With Doctor Friendliness

    I visited AMVI hospital recently for gynecologist Dr shaivalini. Hospital has all the required facillities like lab, ultrasound, pharmacy, Operation theaters and private rooms. It is good to have such hospital with all facilities near by. I booked appointment and visited doctor. Waiting time was less. Treatment was good.

    • Nikitha
  • I Am Happy With Doctor Friendliness

    very happy experience and excellent surgeon Dr. shaivalini .we came here for fertility treatment. we thought of going for ivf. but we conceived naturally. we are thankful to you mam.

    • Shekar Chary
  • I Am Happy With Doctor Friendliness

    Very good hospital, Dr. Shaivalini is very knowledgeable and experienced. She is polite and comforted in getting my wife operated and give us a child. Very good hospital with advanced techniques and facilities.

    • manikanth devarakonda
  • I Am Happy With Doctor Friendliness

    Excellent doctor, good laparoscopic surgeon.she is wonderful person.she did laparoscopic myomectomy to my sister it's almost size of foot ball..the way she performed surgery was sister recovered the same evening and we got discharged...I will suggest doctor to all the women who suffers any gynaec issues..

    • Pasulodi Shanta

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