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Genetic Screening

Genetic Screening - Comprehensive Genetic Testing

Genetic Screening

What is Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS)?

PGS stands for Preimplantation Genetic Screening, a test to assess genetic forms i.e. the chromosomal material of the embryo before implantation. It helps in checking the embryo’s chromosomes for detection of any chromosomal abnormalities. Chromosomal defects are a major cause for the failure of embryos to implant and result in miscarriages/abortions. PGS analyze the chromosomal status of an embryo by medical screening of all 23 chromosome pairs prior to the transfer in an IVF cycle.

Why PGS?

  • Successful implantation rates.
  • Enhances the success rates for single embryo transfer.
  • Improve success rates of fertility in females above 35 years.
  • Detection of chromosomal abnormalities prior to implantation.

Conditions for PGS Treatment

  • Frequent miscarriages
  • Repeated IVF Failures
  • In case of either partners having any hereditary disorders like color blindness or Thalassemia.

Although it depends on medical condition of patients and doctor decide that PGS is required or not.

Steps for PGS Testing

  • Process of IVF treatment takes place where eggs are collected and fertilized.
  • Development of embryo occurs for 3-5 days.
  • Embryologist removes cell through a biopsy technique.
  • The chromosomes are then checked for any abnormalities.
  • Healthy embryo is selected and transferred into the uterus.
  • Remaining healthy embryos are frozen.

Advantages of PGS at AMVI Hospital

Advantages of PGS at AMVI
  • Unlike the conventional FISH technique where only five chromosome pairs are screened, we check all the 23 chromosome pairs.
  • Array CGH is a modern micro-array procedure for genetic screening.
  • Reports are received in the least possible time to ensure a fresh blastocyst transfer.
  • A team of IVF specialists and Embryologists takes extensive care of the complete screening process.
  • AMVI follows international standards and maintains a very well-equipped lab.

Does PGS test for a specific genetic disease?

PGS test for chromosomal abnormalities only. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis or PGD tests for single gene mutations associated with genetically inherited disease, e.g. cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, muscular dystrophy, Huntington’s Disease, Fragile X syndrome and many more.

What are the risks of PGS?

Most of the risks involved in PGS treatment are similar to those for conventional IVF.

With PGS, there is also the possibility that:

  1. some embryos may be damaged by the process of cell removal,
  2. no or inconclusive result due to technical issues, or
  3. incorrect result because of chromosomal mosaicism in the embryo. (Mosaicism is the presence of two or more populations of cell, each with different chromosomal composition, within the same embryo or individual).



  • I Am Happy With Doctor Friendliness

    I visited AMVI hospital recently for gynecologist Dr shaivalini. Hospital has all the required facillities like lab, ultrasound, pharmacy, Operation theaters and private rooms. It is good to have such hospital with all facilities near by. I booked appointment and visited doctor. Waiting time was less. Treatment was good.

    • Nikitha
  • I Am Happy With Doctor Friendliness

    very happy experience and excellent surgeon Dr. shaivalini .we came here for fertility treatment. we thought of going for ivf. but we conceived naturally. we are thankful to you mam.

    • Shekar Chary
  • I Am Happy With Doctor Friendliness

    Very good hospital, Dr. Shaivalini is very knowledgeable and experienced. She is polite and comforted in getting my wife operated and give us a child. Very good hospital with advanced techniques and facilities.

    • manikanth devarakonda
  • I Am Happy With Doctor Friendliness

    Excellent doctor, good laparoscopic surgeon.she is wonderful person.she did laparoscopic myomectomy to my sister it's almost size of foot ball..the way she performed surgery was sister recovered the same evening and we got discharged...I will suggest doctor to all the women who suffers any gynaec issues..

    • Pasulodi Shanta

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