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Azoospermia Treatment - Male Infertility Solutions

AMVI Hospital is one of the Andrology Hospital for Male Infertility Treatment. Dr. Shaivalini Kamarapu is the Male Infertility with a successful track record in treating male infertility.

Azoospermia is also known as Low Sperm Count & it is defined as the absence of spermatozoa in the ejaculate after the assessment of centrifuged semen on at least two occasions, is observed in 1% of the general population is approximately 10% of male infertile cases with a Low Sperm Count. Depending on the type of Azoospermia, it may be surgically treatable with a return of ejaculated sperm or it may require sperm retrieval and assisted reproduction to achieve pregnancy.

Surgical Sperm Retrieval Techniques are applied in Azoospermia or Low Sperm Count Treatment of either Obstructive or Non-Obstructive Etiology.

What is Azoospermia?

 Male Infertility

Azoospermia is a lack of sperm in seminal fluid. Couples should start to seriously worry if they have had unprotected intercourses for a full year without being able to get pregnant even once. As a matter of fact, the man, woman or even both may have a fertility problem around 40% of infertile couples, the man has fertility problems. 

What are the Causes of Azoospermia?

In general, genetics plays a key role in around 10% to 15% of men with low sperm count or no sperm production. Defects in chromosomes can have negative effects on the number, shape, and size of sperm. Such defects can take place at different spots on the Y chromosome (male). Moreover, in some cases, a part of the Y chromosome might be missing and leads to infertility. 

How Does a Man Know if He Has Azoospermia?

If a man has been trying to get his partner pregnant for a whole year without any luck, he must see a doctor check this condition. As a starter, the doctor will need some sample of the semen to examine them in a lab by a high-powered microscope. If the result shows that there is no sperm in at least two separate occasions in the semen, then the man has azoospermia.

Then the doctor will try to find out what is the reason behind the problem. In fact, he or she will need to know the patient’s medical history as well as running some tests such as a complete physical exam and test blood in order to measure the hormone levels.

If the hormone levels are normal, the doctor will need to run a scrotal or transrectal ultrasound to check for an obstruction. An MRI may confirm the diagnosis, sometimes, surgery is the only solution to figure out the interference. If there is no blockage, then genetic tests can detect if there is any problem with the genes.

What are the Types of Azoospermia?

The male reproductive system consists of the following: 

  • Testes, or testicles that produce sperm in a process known as spermatogenesis
  • Seminiferous tubules are tiny tubes that produce most of the tissue of the testes
  • The epididymis is a tube where the mature sperm are moved and stored 
  • Vas deferens is a tube that goes through the epididymis into the body cavity, then loops in order to connect with the urethra. Tightening of the vas deferens makes the sperm move along, past the seminal vesicles and prostate gland and that add seminal fluid to the sperm to form semen.
  • The urethra is a tube that runs through the penis to phase out urine from the bladder and semen from the vas deferens

What are the Symptoms of Azoospermia? 

The symptoms of low sperm might include the following:

  • Problems with sexual function such as a low sex drive or difficulty having or keeping an erection
  • Pain or swelling in the testicle area
  • A noticeable decrease in the facial or body hair

Other signs of a chromosome or hormone abnormality

What are the Risk Factors?

There are so many risk factors that directly related to low sperm count, including: 

  • Smoking tobacco
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Overweight 
  • Being depressed or stressed
  • Having certain infections in the past or current time
  • Exposure to toxins
  • Exposure to radiation
  • Overheating around the testicles
  • Trauma to the testicles
  • Being born with a fertility disorder or having a blood relative, such as your brother or father, with a fertility disorder
  • Having tumors and chronic illnesses
  • Undergoing cancer treatments
  • Certain medications
  • Having major abdominal or pelvic surgery

What are the Treatments for Azoospermia?

Male Infertility

There are some types of treatments that can help men who suffer from azoospermia and want to conceive a baby. If a man has the obstructive type, he will need surgery to remove the blockage. Sperm retrieval can be helpful for men with nonobstructive azoospermia or those who have a blockage but do not want to undergo surgery. One option to do this is by using a tiny needle in order to extract sperm from a testicle. Then, freezing the sample to use it later in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). If a man has a testicular biopsy, the doctor can collect sperm at the same time, so undergoing a second surgery is not necessarily needed.

Is there a Way to Prevent Azoospermia?

In order to prevent Azoospermia, a man should follow these tips:

  • Giving up smoking
  • Quitting or limiting alcohol
  • Avoiding heat
  • Having a healthy weight
  • Avoiding exposure to radiations and toxins

Andrology and Infertility is a highly specific branch of urology. In today’s life, infertility has become a very common issue due to our stressful lifestyle. Patients at AMVI Hospital come from all over the state and have access to specialized treatments available in our hospital For Male Infertility or Low Sperm Count Problems.



  • I Am Happy With Doctor Friendliness

    I visited AMVI hospital recently for gynecologist Dr shaivalini. Hospital has all the required facillities like lab, ultrasound, pharmacy, Operation theaters and private rooms. It is good to have such hospital with all facilities near by. I booked appointment and visited doctor. Waiting time was less. Treatment was good.

    • Nikitha
  • I Am Happy With Doctor Friendliness

    very happy experience and excellent surgeon Dr. shaivalini .we came here for fertility treatment. we thought of going for ivf. but we conceived naturally. we are thankful to you mam.

    • Shekar Chary
  • I Am Happy With Doctor Friendliness

    Very good hospital, Dr. Shaivalini is very knowledgeable and experienced. She is polite and comforted in getting my wife operated and give us a child. Very good hospital with advanced techniques and facilities.

    • manikanth devarakonda
  • I Am Happy With Doctor Friendliness

    Excellent doctor, good laparoscopic surgeon.she is wonderful person.she did laparoscopic myomectomy to my sister it's almost size of foot ball..the way she performed surgery was sister recovered the same evening and we got discharged...I will suggest doctor to all the women who suffers any gynaec issues..

    • Pasulodi Shanta

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